
A drinks laboratory that goes by many names.

The brief was to bring the idea of liquid imagination to life for a beverage manufacturing company. It needed to be credible with flexibility for fun and creativity. First, we started with naming.

Previously known as IDYLL wines, the name was simplified Innovation Drinks Lab or IDL for short. In order to create a system that worked across all of components of their business, the name was designed as an acronym. The shorthand name, IDL stands for many different meanings: impressively developed libations, inventing dabbling launching, innovative drink leaders, the list goes on.

The original wordmark was inspired by impossible perspective illustrations that create optical illusions to the eye. To compliment the wordmark we created a super bright neon color palette and mono-line styles for icons and typefaces.

Credits: Completed at: BoldInc., Creative Director: Steve Smith


Renude Beverage Co.

