Bodega38: An e-commerce site curating products by zip code. Started by Josh Davis and Andrew Linenfelser.

Josh and Andrew are both friends of mine from university. They had been working on the idea for an e-commerce platform that functioned like Amazon, but only featured products from the cities you’re shopping within.

Originally, named Muppli, we started fresh with a brand strategy and naming ideas. Bodega was the obvious part, a local neighborhood shop that people go to for various provisions. The number 38 came from a reference to the first state the brand launched in, Colorado.

From there we created a brand world, guidelines and produced a number of collateral materials like coupons, stickers, boxes, banners and digital posts.

Services: Strategy, Naming, Identity, Packaging, Activation

Inspired by suburban signage

The base of the wordmark was created from street signs in suburbs. It provides the perfect neighborhood feel, like the feeling of a local deli or coffee shop.

Type that feels like a vintage deli window

Some may say a cardinal rule was broken by proposing a typography system with four typefaces but I say go watch Bethany Heck’s talk on multi-typeface design and then we’ll talk.

But in reality, we wanted to create the feel of grocery store specials with hand-painted signage. Ed’s Market Main is the perfect script for this vibe supported by Brandon Nickerson’s BN Carrol St.

client testimonial

“Thank you so much for the work you put into this project! Andrew and I have just been so impressed with the product you've put together, it's truly fantastic.”

— Josh Davis, Bodega38 Co-Founder

Curated Mailer Box for Initial Orders

For the initial orders, Josh and Andrew were packaging up the products themselves from vendors around the city of Denver. We created a custom shipper to drive home Bodega38’s mission of making local shopping easy.


Innovative Drinks Lab


Aquna Gold